A typical example of a process # 19082 in the /proc file would be:
# ls -l /proc/19082
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sep 15 15:12 .
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 ..
-rw------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 as
-r-------- 1 root system 128 Sept 15 15:12 cred
--w------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 ctl
dr-xr-xr-x 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 lwp
-r-------- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 map
dr-x------ 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 object
-r--r--r-- 1 root system 448 Sept 15 15:12 psinfo
-r-------- 1 root system 1024 Sept 15 15:12 sigact
-r-------- 1 root system 1520 Sept 15 15:12 status
-r--r--r-- 1 root system 0 Sept 15 15:12 sysent
Writing to which of the following files will allow the owner to stop a process?()
A. status
B. sysent
C. ctl
D. as
A. The amount of time taken to service an I/O interrupt
B. The percentage of time CPU(s) are waiting for page ins
C. The percentage of time the CPU9(s) are waiting on network
D. The percentage of time the CPU(s) are waiting for outstanding disk I/O requests
A. iptrace
B. vmstat
C. hostname
D. ifconfig
A. A representation of the equation (tps/kbps)*100
B. The percentage of time the disks are idle with no activity
C. The percentage of time the disks are idle with no outstanding CPU requests
D. The percentage of time the CPU is idle with no outstanding disk I/O requests
A. netpmon
B. netstat
C. nfsstat
D. vmstat
A. no
B. chdev
C. vmtune
D. schedtune
If percentage of RAM occupied by file pages falls below minperm, page replacement algorithm steals pages from ()
An AIX system administrator needs to adjust the maximum amount of memory that can be pinned. Which of the following commands is used to make the change?()
Which of the following metrics provided by the iostat report is used to initially determine if a disk is I/O bound?()
Which of the following procedures WILL NOT increase contiguous free space on a the filesystem /data1, located on /dev/lv01, that is heavily fragmented?()
Which of the following tools should be used to display the location of unused physical partitions on a disk drive?()
Which of the following performance tools will work with optimized code and also provides source statement profiling?()
To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. While a user is compiling a C program, "vmstat 120 10" is run to determine the cause of a performance problem. Given the vmstat output as shown in the exhibit, which of the following conclusions is most appropriate to draw about the machine?()
Which command series should be used to determine whether file paging or paging space paging is a problem when running a program from an idle system?()
A system administrator would like to set a system to reboot after a crash. What is the best way to do this?()
Which of the following commands should be used to tune parameters of devices that are displayed with lsattr?()