A.buoys close at hand
B.fixed known objects on shore
C.buoys at a distance
D.All of the above
A.running fix
C.estimated position
D.assumed position
A.true north
B.magnetic north
C.the vessel's beam
D.the vessel's head
A.estimated position
C.running fix
D.dead-reckoning position
A.dead reckoning position
B.estimated position
D.None of the above
A.running fix
B.dead-reckoning position
D.estimated position
The four standard light colors used for lighted aids to navigation are red,green,white,and ().
() is a defined area within which ships must use particular caution and should follow the recommended direction of traffic flow.
Which position includes the effects of wind and current().
When navigating a vessel,you().
The recording fathometer produces a graphic record of the().
When making landfall at night,you can determine if a light is a major light or an offshore buoy by().
How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system“A” ().
When latitude and longitude are used,these shall be expressed in()(and decimals of a minute if necessary),north or south of the Equator and east or west of Greenwich.
What is a lighted safe water mark fitted with to aid in its identification().
The equator is().